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Let's Change the Face of City Council

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    Army Veteran    

        Community Leader

            Future Focused



My goal is to:

  • Strengthen bonds with our neighbors and create a welcoming environment​​

  • Embrace change in Oregon's fastest growing city

  • Protect the resources that make Happy Valley beautiful

My Vision for Happy Valley

Dear Residents of Happy Valley,

I am running for City Council because I am deeply committed to preserving the unique beauty of Happy Valley. Our community is a treasure, and I believe in encouraging responsible growth that respects our natural environment and enhances our quality of life.

I am passionate about protecting our green spaces and ensuring that our development plans are sustainable and beneficial for all. I will work tirelessly to manage our transportation and safety needs, making sure that our roads are safe and our neighborhoods are secure.

Most importantly, I want to foster a sense of community where everyone feels connected and heard. Together, we can build a Happy Valley that not only meets our current needs but also thrives for future generations.

Your support means everything to me. Let’s work together to make Happy Valley the best it can be.

Thank you for your trust and your vote.

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